There are many free resources for you to use on my website and some 500 pages of content! So I thought it would be useful to give you some tips on how to find content quickly as I have designed the site so that you're never more than three clicks away from the content you need for teaching literacy...
1. Use the Quick Game Finder: this links direct to the games. You can find the quick game finder on the home page and in either the righthand of lefthand columns throughout the site
2. Use the Sitemap: the site map link can be found in the main navigation bar at the top of the page (apart from the homepage), this page contains a link to every single page in the website... handy... : )
3. Use the main navigation to navigate to the overview pages, then scroll down and see all the content available…
4. Use Google: just put + the keywords for the content you're looking for into Google and it bring up all the pages that contain the content you're looking for…
The majority of the content on the site is free, but I have woven some paid-for examples into the site so that you can preview it, e.g.
Long Vowel Phonemes…
the software is important as it is the main way the website makes any money which pays for my time to continue my work on both free and paid-for content…
Thanks for reading, send me feedback… always interested in hearing both good and bad…
P.S. just finished an email campaign so heading back to the activities of drawing and the new interactive book...