Thursday, 23 August 2007

Roy's new interactive reading website

Many of you may have missed out on the launch of the new interactive reading website at the end of last term... I uploaded it quietly on the weekend of 7th July 2007... did you know the date 070707 is lucky, I chose it by accident but there were plenty of other people out there who had been hatching and planning to do things years in advance - just do a search on Google.

So what's changed and why did I redesign Roy's site... here's my thinking...

  • The old site was looking really 'old' - I've been quite ashamed of it... I knew I could do better...

  • After creating 80 interactive reading games and lesson plans over the past two years and 'shoe-horning' them into the old site things just didn't seem to flow and the site wasn't logical with the individual reading games difficult to find...
  • I wanted to introduce some programmes that would allow the site to start to pay for itself (at worse...) and to give me an income (at best...) to continue the work full-time (... if I could focus full-time we'd be flying...)
  • I also wanted to increase the quality of the resources and literacy worksheets by using .pdfs

  • ... and finally to make the site more Google friendly so more people can find it...
Everything you could find on the old site is on the new site - no passwords added or barriers created to using... you should never be more than three clicks away from what you want.

I hope you like it... feedback, good or bad welcome, as always...

Best wishes


P.S What's with the random pics for this blog? I'm not allowed to add blogs without sketching a new image, thus forcing me to draw... which I always procrastinate with...

Sunday, 19 August 2007


OK, thought it would be a really good idea to create a blog for the Roy the zebra website - this way I can communicate where the site is going, ideas that I have, share feedback and other websites that might be useful for literacy and the ones that inspire me the most.

This blog will also allow everyone who uses Roy to post comments on any of the blog entries that I create.